Term Description
Intelligent Pacing This term refers to how the automatied system determines where within a flight a single ad is and how it is currently pacing to reach its needed flight goal.
Line Item A Line Item is a "spot" in a campaign. The Line Item is designated by a Red, Green, or Orange line at the header of the item and the line itself will include the actual piece of creative, the station designation, the flights, and the needed goals. There can be an unlimited number of line items in a campaign.
Paid Content Paid Content is made up of all Campaign. These would be revenue generating spots that will be injected, or are available for Injection, into the station stream.
Preroll A Preroll ad is an advertisement that plays on the player when listeners first open the player to connect to the stream. Also know as a Gateway.
SOX Sarbanes-Oxley rules taht oversee account and auditing regulations such as who can access revenue generating tools and so forth.
Spot A Spot can be any piece of creative that is played into a station stream. The general term Spot is used because the Ando system is primarily concerned with "covering" the on air stop sets. So any item, be it a Paid Spot, Unpaid Spot, PSA, Sweeper, Promo, Liner, or anything else, is considered by the Ando system to be a Spot.
Spot Play A spot play is exactly that, the number of times a piece of creative was played or "spun."
Streaming PC This is the computer at the local station that houses the streaming software. Maintaience of this computer should be managed by the local IT or Engineering staff.
Synced Banner A Synced Banner is a companion image that will display on the streaming player when the player is playing an audio ad. The synced banner is specifically associated with a specific piece of audio and the image can be a .jpg, .gif, or .swf file.
Unpaid Content Also known as Fill content, Unpaid Content is anything that the station uploads to inventory to be used to fill stop sets. Unpaid content is only used if there is no Paid content available for play.