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Is there a Recon or Reconciliation Report?
Author: Jeremy Argue Reference Number: AA-00375 Views: 6027 Created: 2012-07-26 09:48 0 Rating/ Voters

The Reconciliation Report is a tool available in the Campaign Manager which allows users to see what was ordered versus what actually played in a given time frame.  This allows users to reconcile what they are running via Campaign Manager with what the station is billing from their Traffic system.

The report can be used to see what has been playing on a station or group of stations in any custom defined date range.  It is important to note that, while users can only access campaigns (through the campaign details screens) that have been entered by users at the same account level, they can see all campaigns running under stations they have access to via the Recon Report.

That is to say Local users can typically only see or access station level campaigns entered by other station level users at the same station.  Market level users can only see or access campaigns that were entered by other market level and station level users in their market.  Corporate level users can see all campaigns entered by all users.  But in the Recon Report any user can see what campaigns are running on “their” stations and they can also see how many impressions have been garnered by those campaigns.  Even campaigns entered by Rep Firms and 3rd parties will be shown in the Recon Report.

The report itself can be viewed online or it can be exported directly to an Excel spreadsheet.

To generate a reconciliation report:

1.    Access the Campaign Manager dashboard from the link in the top navigation bar.

2.    Click the Reports & Tools tab.

3.     In the Affidavits & Reports section of the screen, click the Reconciliation Report link to expand the report generator section.

4.    Choose a date range for the report.

5.    Choose the level for which you want to run the report.  Use the radio buttons and the drop-down menus to choose the report level. (The options available to you depend on your permissions level.)

6.    Select whether to View Online (in a new browser window) or Export to Excel.

7.    Click Generate Report. Note: we suggest exporting the report to an Excel file if you anticipate the report to contain a large amount of data (such as if you are covering a large date range or Annual recap).


Note: If you use Excel 2003 or earlier to view exported Reconciliation reports, very long reports may be truncated. This is due to a 65,536 line limit within older versions of Excel.


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