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We just launched the Stream the World live player and our Synced Banners are not displaying. Can you help us?
Author: Jeremy Argue Reference Number: AA-00262 Views: 6836 Created: 2010-11-19 15:46 0 Rating/ Voters

The most likely cause for this is that the station is linking directly to the streaming player from the station web site.

Due to its dynamic nature, the Triton standard player needs to be embedded into another web page and stations should link to that page in order to have the synced banners display rather than linking directly to the player itself.

You can reach out to our support staff directly using the Submit Ticket link at the top of the screen and we will assist you in getting your new embedded player page configured correctly. However, if you prefer, you can create a new html page and follow the instructions below for how to "Embed synchronized banners with a live player."

If your station is only using the 300x250 synced banner ad unit you should be able to use this code on your new embed page and things should start working as expected (make sure to change the listed call letters to match the station name in your player's URL):
<!-- StreamTheWorld Live Player -->
<script src=""" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>
<!-- External Bigbox -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>


If you are using only the 728x90 synced banner ad unit you should be able to use this code (make sure to change the listed call letters to match the station name in your player's URL):

<!-- StreamTheWorld Live Player -->
<script src=""" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>
<!-- External Leaderboard -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>


If you are using both the 728x90 and the 300x250 synced banner ad units will need to include both sets of code - make sure to check your player to see what ad units have been programmed into the player before using this code (make sure to change the listed call letters to match the station name in your player's URL):

<!-- StreamTheWorld Live Player -->
<script src=""" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>
<!-- External Bigbox -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>
<!-- External Leaderboard -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script>

Once the new HTML page with the properly embedded player is finished, just start liking to that instead of linking directly to the page and your synced banners should start showing up as expected.


You might also need to add CSS code to the new player page to get the banners to show-up where you exact them to.  For the Big Box use the following code:


 z-index: -1;


z-index: 1000;


For the Leaderboard position use the following code:


 z-index: -1;


   z-index: 1000;


For the both the Leaderboard and Big Box positions use the following code:

 z-index: -1;


   z-index: 1000;


z-index: 1000;


We hope that helps. If after trying this you still need further assistance feel free contact our support desk by Submitting a Ticket above.


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