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Can we track clicks on 3rd (third) Party provided Synced Banners?
Author: Jeremy Argue Reference Number: AA-00384 Views: 9990 Created: 2012-07-26 16:20 0 Rating/ Voters

Yes!  Clicks on third-party Synced Banner click-thru URLs can be tracked with Campaign Manager. The clicks are tracked on the Campaign Manager click server as well as on the third-party server.


The feature is for advanced users only.


It requires that a destination URL be provided in the HTML code block for the banner ad. If the provided code from the 3rd Party DOES NOT include a destination URL, this Click Tracking methodology will not work.  Please verify with the 3rd Party that the code provided includes a Destination URL rather than a redirect URL.


Essentially, the clicks are counted by substituting the provided destination URL Triton Digital click-thru token ({CT}).  This Click Through Token registers the clicks on the Triton Click server. Once clicked by an end user, a redirect to the destination URL occurs and the click is registered on both the Triton server and the third-party ad server.


Note: third-party code that dynamically generates HTML is not supported. This feature only works with static HTML code in which the destination URL is visible.


To implement third-party click-through tracking just follow these steps:


1.       From any existing, or newly created campaign’s Details page, mouse over the Spot Actions menu and select Synched Banners.

2.       Click the Synced Banners link.

3.       From the Synced Banner pop-up window, click Paste 3rd Party Code for the banner which needs editing.

4.       Select the Customize checkbox

5.       Paste the third-party HTML code into the text area.  NOTE: Make sure that the code block does not refer to dynamically generated HTML code.

6.       Select and copy the destination URL from the code block, and paste it into the Destination URL input field.   EX: A destination URL will look something like <a href="[CACHEBUSTER]">….from this code you are looking for everything between the quotation marks.  In other words the,[CACHEBUSTER]

7.       Replace the destination URL in the code block ( the[CACHEBUSTER ] ) with {CT} (the click-thru token).

8.       (Optional.) Insert random number token ({RDM}) in the Destination URL input field if you need to use a “cache buster.”  If a Cache buster is needed, the resulting URL would look like this once replaced: <a href=”{RDM}”

9.       Click Update



Some Third Party code needs to be edited in order to work properly.  For example if the code includes script tags those typically need to be stripped out in order to work.  For example, if the original code looks like this:


<script type="text/javascript" src=";amp;f=9&amp;amp;ef=1&amp;amp;clicktag=[URLTRACKING]&rnd=[RANDOM]"></script><noscript><a href=";amp;A=1&amp;amp;L=848408&amp;amp;C=37192&amp;amp;f=9&amp;amp;P=42083&amp;amp;T=E&amp;amp;URL" target="_blank"><img src=";amp;f=9&amp;amp;ef=1&amp;amp;bk=1&amp;amp;clicktag=[URLTRACKING]&amp;amp;rnd=[RANDOM]" width="300" height="250" border="0" alt=""></a></noscript>


All that is needed in the Third Party box of the Campaign Manager Synced Banner screen is the code between the <A HRF tag and the </a> tag (highlighted in red below):


<script type="text/javascript" src=";amp;f=9&amp;amp;ef=1&amp;amp;clicktag=[URLTRACKING]&rnd=[RANDOM]"></script><noscript> <a href=";amp;A=1&amp;amp;L=848408&amp;amp;C=37192&amp;amp;f=9&amp;amp;P=42083&amp;amp;T=E&amp;amp;URL" target="_blank"><img src=";amp;f=9&amp;amp;ef=1&amp;amp;bk=1&amp;amp;clicktag=[URLTRACKING]&amp;amp;rnd=[RANDOM]" width="300" height="250" border="0" alt=""></a> </noscript>


We simply, take that code and replace the click through URL with the {CT} tag.  Then use the Click through URL as the Destination URL.  For example, the proper code in the Third Party Synced Banner box should look like this:

<a href="{CT}" target="_blank"><img src="{CT}rnd={RDM}" width="300" height="250" border="0" alt=""></a>


And the Destination URL would be this:


Should you need any assistance at all please contact our Support Team should you have any questions or need any assistance whatsoever.


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