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I have a preroll that isn't showing up in the player but it is tracking plays, why would this be?
Author: Jeremy Argue Reference Number: AA-00264 Views: 6877 Created: 2010-11-19 15:47 0 Rating/ Voters

If you are seeing impressions being counted in the Campaign Manager but not seeing the creative in your station's player then most likely play is being halted by the default Frequency Caps.  The ad is playing, but since it has already played to your IP address in a time under the Frequency Cap threshold you won't be able to see it from that IP address again until the Frequency Cap time has passed.

Every campaign and spot set-up in the Campaign Manager is set-up with default Frequency Caps. These caps prevent ads from playing more than once per x number of minutes (by default the Camping is set with a 5 minute Frequency Cap and each spot is set-up with a 15 minute Frequency Cap.

Most of the time, the Frequency Caps for all the items are still set to the default 5 minutes and 15 minutes.

If you access the Campaign Manager and view the campaign details for the campaign in question you can then go to the TOOLS menu (right under the campaign name in the upper section of the screen) and click on Frequency Caps.

Just change the 5 and 15's all to 0's and click SAVE. Once the ad details update (it will take about 10 minutes for the changes to push out to the server), the ad should start playing every time the station played is launched.

We hope that helps. Please let us know if you need any further assistance whatsoever.


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