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We air several items a day that we can't stream and since they happen at different times a Timed Trigger won't really work. Do you have another way to cover these 15-30 minute items?
Author: Jeremy Argue Reference Number: AA-00254 Views: 7360 Created: 2011-08-01 10:30 0 Rating/ Voters

Yes, this can be done on our platform! 


The best case scenario would be to create a new category in your station automation system, something like CML (for CM Long) and then add all of these 15-30 minute program/commercials to that category. So, when they play on-air, they are exporting this specific data to the Injector.


After the category has been created in the automation system and all the needed items have been added to that category in the automation system, you'll want to access your Client Console account and go to the Injector Manager. Choose the station from the drop down list and click on the Ad Families link.


Choose the proper station from the drop down list and click ADD NEW CUSTOM FAMILY.  Enter a name for the family into the Description box ( for example Long Spot Cover or anything else that you choose to call this family.  You can mandate a level of separation for all items in the family and an individual content cap as well.  once you set these, click SAVE.


Next, we need to set-up a Cart Trigger so that the system knows what to do when it sees the new code that was set-up in the automation system.  To do this, return to the station inventory page and click the Cart Trigger Editor link to create a new trigger.


Once in the Cart Trigger Editor, click the New Reg Trigger button in the bottom middle of the screen. Leave the Effective Dates, Days Active and Start and End Time defaulted as is.  Leave the Data Element set to Category (Assuming that you set-up the code in your automation system as a Category code - which is preferred). Change the Trigger Value from COM to match the code name you set-up in Scott (for our sample purposes here, we're calling it CML). Leave the default action for Start Break checked and also leave the Duration set to the default 00:06:00.  MAke sure to set the Delivery to -1.  It will be defaulted to BreakSchedules but should be changed to -1.


In the next section, Ad Families, check the radio button for Select Items in Specific Families. When you do, the screen will refresh and you will now see a box in the lower section of the screen that has all of the available Ad Families. Check the box for Long Spot Cover, or whatever you named your new custom ad family, and click Save. When you do, the Add trigger screen will close and your cart trigger list will refresh with the new trigger displayed.


Last, you just need to upload the songs, promos, liners, and other content that you want to air in lieu of the long form items. For the time being this must be done in the Injector Manger – however, we are in the process of creating an Enhancement that will allow traffickers to schedule cover for these items through the Campaign Manager.  For now, go back to the inventory page, click on the Add New Component button and fill in the form, walking through the upload wizard just like you would with any other item. The only difference is, and this is the key, you want to make sure that you select the Long Spot Cover (or whatever you named your new ad family) family for these items. Just repeat this process for all the items that you want to stream when you are playing one of these 15-20 minutes items on air.


Keep in mind that you can only have 24 Custom Ad Families, so you will want to create them sparingly and only as needed.  Also, if you set degrees of separation in the Ad Family, you want to make sure that you add enough items in this family to cover all of the time between separations.  It is suggested that you add at least 25 items to this family to ensure that you have enough content and are able to prevent subsequent "burn."


Should you have any questions or need any assistance whatsoever, just Submit a Ticket through the link at the top of the page and our support staff will assist you ASAP.



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