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I have special on air programming that airs one time but needs to be blacked out on our stream? Can I do this?
Author: Jeremy Argue Reference Number: AA-00235 Views: 7206 Created: 2010-11-19 11:09 0 Rating/ Voters

Here's a quick stepbystep tutorial on how to set up singleevent timed triggers. Please note that singleevent triggers can only fire once. Once they have fired, and their Start time has passed, they will not be able to fire again on the same date. Also, please note step 12 and step 14. Mis-configuration of these  two steps account for most reasons a Timed Trigger does not fire as expected.

1. Log into the Client Console using your log-in and password
2. Click on the Injector Manager link
3. Choose the proper station from the "Filter to show inventory for station:" drop down list and click
4. When the screen refreshes, click the link: Cart Trigger Editor
5. In the lower
middle section of the screen, choose New Timed Trigger
6. Set the Effective Start Date as the day that the trigger should initially fire
7. Set the Effective End Date to the day AFTER the day the trigger should fire (this should not be the same date as the start date no matter what!)
8. Uncheck any days that you don't want this trigger to be active, leaving only the desired day(s) checked
9. Set the Start Time to the time that the trigger should fire using military time (for example, 09:00:00=9am, 13:00:00=1pm, 14:12:00=2:12pm, etc.)
10. Change the Trigger Value from the default COM to something like whatever you are covering (it can be anything you'd like it to be; test1, game1, Hoops5, etc)
11. Set the Duration that you'd like the stream to be blacked
out in full time. (3 hours = 03:00:00) (3 hours 15 minutes = 03:15:00, 3 hours, 18 minutes, and 32 seconds = 03:18:32)
12. Set the Delivery Command to
1. This will be defaulted to BreakSchedules, make sure you change this to 1. (-1 indicates the ability to play from something in ANY category without a Template)
13. Click the appropriate radio button next to the proper family from where you want the cover content to be played (until you add enough content to the Special Stream Down Notification family you can use the regular Enable family or the Silence option)
14. Set the Data Ignore Duration under the Advanced Settings line to be the length of time you want to ignore the data and remain in blackout
this should equal the time listed in the Duration field. This is actually the field the trigger will use to remain in blackout, so make sure this is set to the full length you want your stream to remain blackedout. 
15. Click Save

Last but not least: You will need to make sure that there is enough content in inventory in the Special Stream Down Notification Family to cover the blackout.  To add Fill items just look at this Article.  Please make sure that the item is added to the SPECIAL STREAM DOWN NOTIFICATION FAMILY NOT THE ENABLE FAMILY.

That should do it. Feel free to email Submit a Support Ticket via the link at the top of the screen should you have any questions or need any assistance whatsoever.

Please note that Timed Triggers can only fire once. Once they have fired, and their Start time has passed, they will not be able to fire again. Also, please note step 12 and step 14. These two steps account for most reasons a Timed Trigger does not fire as expected.


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