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What causes a technical streaming alert to be sent?
There are three basic alerts. 'The Check-In Timeout' The Check-in is an automated process that runs on the station's local streaming computer. This process syncs the local streaming PC with our central network so that all edits, campaign changes, or other… |
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What does impressions mean?
Impressions are the number of times an ad was heard or seen. impressions are calculated by multiplying the number of people listening to the stream by the number of spots played. It's the number of people streaming at the moment the ad is played. For example,… |
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What does the Play Notes coulmn in the Injector manager Inventory screen do? I see different colored light bulbs and circles with hands...what do these icons mean?
Essentially the Play notes column of items in the Injector Manager inventory screen gives users an overview of what items are available right now to be played. Remember that whenh you log into the Injector Manager for a station you are, by default, looking… |
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What is a DMA?
DMA stands for Demographic Market Area. By definition DMA is a geographic area of a group of counties that make up a particular television or radio market. These counties comprise the major viewing and listening audience for the television and radio stations… |
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What is Ad Wire and how do I enable it?
Ad Wire is a remnant inventory tool that allows stations to run paid advertising in their stop sets and generate incremental dollars. From time to time, our Ad Operations team gets orders directly from clients that are added to Ad Wire and if stations opt… |
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What is an Impression?
Impressions are the number of times an ad is consumed (heard or seen). The Impressions number is calculated by multiplying the number of people listening to the stream at the time of play by the number of spots played. It's the number of people streaming… |
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What is PSA Wire? Should I use it and if so, how do I use it?
PSA Wire is a remnant inventory tool that allows stations to run royalty-free, unpaid spots in their stop sets if there is no other content available to be played. All PSA Wire spots are provided to Ando Media from the Ad Council and can be used according… |
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What is the process for generating a Sound Exchange invoice?
Unfortunately, we do not generate Sound Exchange invoices. We only provide the needed data. Typically stations run their report and submit it to Sound Exchange. Then Sound Exchange will generate a bill based on the station's contract. The station then generates… |
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What is the sell-out inventory number for :30?s and :60?s
Essentially the station is duplicating its on air inventory. So basically, the same number of spots will play on-line as they do on air. There is an Inventory Avails report which can be run to ascertain a projection of potential Impressions available over… |
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What's the difference between Impressions reported in the Campaign Manager and Sessions shown in Webcast Metrics?
The short answer is that they are two totally different things. SESSIONS are player tune-in’s where the user stays connected for a minimum of 1 continuous listening minute or longer. Impressions are counted when an ad plays to members of the listening audience… |
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When are Webcast Metrics reports posted?
The Webcast metrics reports are always four days behind. Daily interval reports can be run for up to 4 days prior today. Weekly reports are available on the Friday of the new week. Monthly reports are available on the 5th of the new month, unless the 5th… |
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Why are the Webcast Metrics numbers and numbers from another source different?
The numbers reported by Ando Media Webcast metrics and other sources are completely different. While the data pool is basically the same, Webcast Metrics applies a custom methodology that normalizes the numbers to standard definitions of Listenership. The… |
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Why isn't my pre-roll playing?
If a pre-roll / gateway is properly scheduled (and all needed variables are set and the campaign is active) most likely, the current flight is pacing ahead of its goals and as such, not available to be played at that time. To verify this, check the ad progress… |
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Why isn't my spot playing?
There are several issues that could cause an ad not to play. Here are some of the most common things to check: If a single Campaign has not garnered any plays whatsoever... 1. Check to ensure that the campaign has been Activated. If you view the Campaign… |