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What is PSA Wire? Should I use it and if so, how do I use it?
Author: Jeremy Argue Reference Number: AA-00305 Views: 10202 Created: 2011-03-11 13:07 0 Rating/ Voters

PSA Wire is a remnant inventory tool that allows stations to run royalty-free, unpaid spots in their stop sets if there is no other content available to be played.  All PSA Wire spots are provided to Ando Media from the Ad Council and can be used according to the basic terms of service found on the PSA Wire page of the Ando Client Console.  

Essentially, it’s an easy way for stations to add Fill material to their station inventories.  The station has full control over whether or not they want to run creative that is available in PSA Wire interface.  All locally uploaded fill content will always play before any PSA Wire item.  In fact, PSA Wire spots are prioritized in a way that they will only play if there are no station, market, or corporate level Unpaid Spots available to be played at the time the  unit is called.  

Enabling PSA Wire is a very easy process.  Simply have an Admin or Super Admin access the Ando Client Console and click the PSA Wire link at the top of the page.  Then just link the station and manage the items that should or should not be added to inventory. 

1. Have an Admin or Super Admin access their account
2. Click the PSA Wire link at the top of the screen
3. Click the LINK button for any station on which PSA Wire items should run

Once a station is linked it will stay linked until it is manually unlinked.

To add Ad Wire ads to a station inventory simply follow these steps:
1. Have an Admin or Super Admin access their account
2. Click the PSA Wire link at the top of the screen
3. Click the DISPLAY PSA's button for any specific station   -- Stations must be managed independently of one another
4. To Add an item from PSA Wire to a station inventory simply find an item that has a Red box on the left side of its detail line and check it.  Repeat this step and check any red box for all items that should be added to inventory.   (Items in inventory are denoted in Green.  Items not in inventory are denoted in red).
5. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click ADD SELECTED

To remove PSA Wire items that are currently playing on a station from a station's inventory just follow these steps:
1. Have an Admin or Super Admin access their account
2. Click the PSA Wire link at the top of the screen
3. Click the DISPLAY PSA's button for any specific station  -- Stations must be managed independently of one another
4. To REMOVE a PSA Wire item from a station's inventory, check any green boxes of any item's line.  Repeat this step as many times as necessary until all items that need to be removed are selected (items in inventory are denoted in Green.  Items not in inventory are denoted in red).
5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click REMOVE SELECTED


a. If a station wished to remove all PSA Wire items from inventory and remove PSA Wire from being able to play on a station, all individual items must be removed (turned red) in the Display PSA's screen before the station is unlinked.  If the station is Unlinked and items are still in inventory, those ads will continue to play.
b. PSA Wire items, like all other items available to be played on a station, are listed in inventory in the Injector Manager screen.  PSA Wire items are denoted in the Injector Manager Inventory screen as Unpaid, Lower priority items and tehy will have grayed out manag icons.  
c. PSA Wire items cannot be managed from the Injector Manager screen.  They can only be added an removed from inventory and those changes must be made in the PSA Wire screens.

Should you have any questions or need any further assistance whatsoever, please contact our support department by opening a ticket.

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