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How do I create a Pass-through or Whiteout? I want the Terrestrial audio to play, including commercials. (No Cover)
Author: Troy Harrignton Reference Number: AA-00253 Views: 12471 Created: 2010-11-19 15:34 0 Rating/ Voters


Depending on which ad platform you are currently configured to use, the Whiteout configuration may vary. Please see the PDF files below for the configuration option that best fits you. CM2 for Ando's Campaign Manager or TAP for Triton Ad Platform.

There are a few ways to set your stream so that the Injector does not trigger into cover allowing a station to run on a complete simulcast of their on-air programming on line.  To Create a Whiteout (aka a Pass Through)  - where you want to air the terrestrial audio including all everything that plays in the on air ad break time without covering anything that is aired (No Cover), you can do this manually or dynamically depending upon your needs.  The key here is to make the trigger unable to call items from inventory.  And that can be done a couple of different ways:


To manually disable all of the “break” triggers in the Cart Trigger screen users will need to manually disable the triggers and then re-enable them once the needed whiteout (aka Pass Through) period is over.


To disable triggers, simply access the Injector Manager for a specific station and click the Cart Trigger Editor link in the nav bar.  Then, once the list of Cart Triggers opens, find all of the triggers that have a right pointing Green arrow in the ACTIONS column.  (The Delivery Command for these will either be a letter [A-Z], a -1, or BreakSchedules).  Once you have identified all of the break triggers, simply check the box)es) for each of those lines on the far left of the screen.  Once all the break triggers have been selected, scroll down the screen and click the DISABLE button in the lower left corner of the screen.  This will turn off the Break triggers and allow the stream to play through exactly what is being played on air – with no Injection or cover.  Once the station is ready to resume regular cover, simply reverse the process by selecting all of the break triggers again and clicking the Enable button in the lower left corner of the screen.


MANUAL WHITEOUT CREATION (Timed Trigger): - A downloadable PDF with instructions can be printed via the links at the bottom of the screen.

You can schedule a Pass Through to happen on a particular day at a specific time by using a Timed Trigger. This is most helpful when you know the specific time it should start and the duration for which it needs to last.  These are mostly used when a station has a block of time (IE: Sunday morning infomercial, Public Affairs, a Radiothoin, etc) where you want all terrestrial content including what is scheduled on air in the ad break time to play through to the streaming listeners.


      1. Log in to the Client Console

2. Click Injector Manager - then choose the proper station from the drop down list and click continue
3. Click the Cart Trigger Editor link at the top of the page
4. Create a New Timed Trigger
5. Set the Date you want the Pass Through to occur. For the end date – it should be the following day

6. Select the day(s) of the week this is needed

7. Enter the start time (in military hours) for the Pass Through to occur

8. In the Trigger Value field enter a short description (ie: PassThroughSun morning, for example)

9. In the duration field enter – 00:00:00

10. The Delivery Command field should be set to “A” minus the quotes - This might seem counter intuitive but this is in fact correct becasue essentailly we need to "trick" the system into firing the trigger

11. Leave the Ad Family set to the Default - enable family

12. In the Data Ignore Duration - enter the exact time you want this Pass Through period to be active in 24-hour (military time) format.  EX: 2 hours = 02:00:00, 1 hour 15 minutes = 01:15:00, etc.  Once this trigger "fires," this will tell the Injector to Ignore any data commands from the automation system for the period of time you're defining.
13. Click SAVE


DYNAMIC WHITEOUT CREATION (Data Trigger):  - A downloadable PDF with instructions can be printed via the links at the bottom of the screen.

Users can also set the Injector to trigger into a whiteout based on specific data sent by the station automation system.  This will allow the programming staff to be able to start a pass through any time by scheduling an item to play in the station on-air log.  If you are looking for a more dynamic manner of creating a whiteout, make sure that a specific trigger has been set-up in the station automation system prior to starting the steps below.  You will need to know exactly what that "trigger" is in the automation system and you will need to know in which field this piece of data will be sent by the automation system.  Once the trigger is set-up in the station automation system, simply follow the steps below (NOTE: please be sure to follow these exact steps.  In order for a pass through to work correctly the trigger must be configured exactly this way):

1. Log in to the Client Console
2. Click Injector Manager - then choose the proper station from the drop down list and click continue
3. Click the Cart Trigger Editor link at the top of the page
4. Create a New Regular Trigger (not timed)
5. Since this unique trigger will only be used when you call for a Pass Through period, leave the default dates and times
6. From the Data Element section check the radio button for the field that the Injector should "look" at for the specific code that was set-up in the automation system
7. Set the "Name" of the trigger - the Trigger Value - to match the new category code (or whatever field you are using in the automation data) that has been set-up in the automation system: this must be an exact match to the data that will be sent from the automation system
8. Check the Start Break box
9. Set the duration to 00:00:00
10. Set the Delivery Command to a specific letter (A, B, C, etc) - This might seem counter intuitive but this is in fact correct becasue essentailly we need to "trick" the system into firing the trigger
11. Leave the Ad Family set to the Default - enable family
12. In the Data Ignore Duration - enter the exact time you want this Pass Through to be active in 24-hour (military time) format.  EX: 2 hours = 02:00:00, 1 hour 15 minutes = 01:15:00, etc
13. Click SAVE

If you think the station may come back from the Whiteout earlier than the Data Ignore Duration will last, then you'll want to create a secondary Trigger and a secondary element in the station automation system to trigger an end of the pass through.  Make sure the secondary element is already configured in the automation system before continuing with the steps below.  Once that item has been set-up and you know what it is and in which filed it will be sent, simply follow the steps below to set-up an end to the whiteout.  Follow these steps to configure the pass through to end and return to regualat Injection:

1. Log in to the Client Console
2. Click Injector Manager - then choose the proper station from the drop down list and click continue
3. Click the Cart Trigger Editor link at the top of the page
4. Create a New Regular Trigger (not timed)
5. Since this unique trigger will only be used when you need to end a previously started Whiteout, leave the default dates and times
6. From the Data Element section check the radio button for the field that the Injector should "look" at for the specific code that was set-up in the automation system
7. Set the "Name" of the trigger - the Trigger Value - to match the new category code (or whatever field you are using in the automation data) that has been set-up in the automation system: this must be an exact match to the data that will be sent from the automation system
8. Check the END Break box
9. Set the duration to 00:00:01 - This duration is needed in order get the trigger to fire.  So, this is also not intuitive given the other durations used above.
10. Set the Delivery Command to Go Live
11. Leave the Ad Family set to the Default - enable family
12. In the Data Ignore Duration - make sure that it is set to 00:00:00
13. Check the Break Through Data Ignore to Fire this Trigger box
14. Click SAVE

Should you have any questions or need any assistance whatsoever, please contact our Support Desk immediately o that we can assist you as soon as possible.  To contact our support desk, just click the Submit Ticket link at the top of the screen.

CM2 Configured station Whiteout instructions - data.pdf 0.7 Mb Download File
CM2 Configured station Whiteout instructions - timed.pdf 0.3 Mb Download File
TAP configured station Whiteout instructions - timed.pdf 0.4 Mb Download File
TAP configured station Whiteout instructions - data.pdf 0.7 Mb Download File
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