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Why are the Webcast Metrics numbers and numbers from another source different?
Author: Jeremy Argue Reference Number: AA-00306 Views: 10267 Created: 2011-03-11 14:35 0 Rating/ Voters

The numbers reported by Ando Media Webcast metrics and other sources are completely different. While the data pool is basically the same, Webcast Metrics applies a custom methodology that normalizes the numbers to standard definitions of Listenership.


The numbers reported by various CDN's do not take into account certain listening rules, interval designations, daypart derivatives and so forth.   While the Webcast Metrics reports do take into consideration all of these variances in the raw data.


Most CDN's just re-publish the raw data in a readable format while Webcast Metrics looks to standardize the language of the statistics.

Like all other ratings agencies, Nielsen, Arbitron, etc, the numbers reported by those agencies typically take into account the base definition of how a statistic is calculated.  Webcast metrics does the same thing and so the numbers reported in WCM reports are going to be different, by definition, than numbers reported in other places.


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