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We changed our song category in our automation system and the player stopped updating with song and artist information. How do we correct this?
Author: Jeremy Argue Reference Number: AA-00259 Views: 6067 Created: 2010-11-19 15:43 0 Rating/ Voters

Anytime changes are made to a station automation system, make sure to make the needed changes to the station’s Cart Trigger list too. That way the Injector will know to act on the new data. If the streaming player stopped updating after the change, that means that the Injector no longer knows what data to act on to update the player.

As an example, let's say that station WXYZ recently changed its music category from MUS to 707 and when they did, the streaming player stopped updating its Now Playing information. To correct this the station needs to have a 707 cart trigger set-up in the Cart Trigger list. To do so, just follow these steps:

1. Log into your Client Console account
2. Click the Injector Manager link at the top of the screen
3.If you have multiple stations select the proper station from the drop down list, if you only have one station the Inventory screen will load and you can skip to the next step.
4. Once the station inventory page loads, click the Cart Trigger Editor link in the nav bar
5. When the Cart Trigger Editor page opens, find the Create New Reg Trigger button in the lower-middle section of the screen and click it
6. Set the Trigger Value to equal the code from the automation system, in this case the 707
7. Uncheck the Start Break box and check the End Break and Update Now Playing boxes
8. Change the Delivery from BreakSchedules to NP and click SAVE

About 10 minutes after you click Save the system will start trigger on this new cart trigger and your player will start to update with current now playing data.

NOTE: If you are using our Sound Exchange reporting tool, a change to your automation system song data without adding a new cart trigger will result in your Sound Exchange performances to be less than expected.


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