Absolutetly! The Campaign Manager is 100% VAST Compliant!
In order to physically run a VAST ad you will need to have properly formatted VAST URL which points to VAST Complaint XML code to use for the creative in question AND the station's player MUST be using RunSpot 4.x or greater. If you are unsure if your player is running the proper RunSpot code to call VAST ads, just reach out to your Account Manager and tehy can assist you in finding out.
If your player is VAST compliant, then adding a VAST Ad is just like scheduleing a normal camapign in the Campaign Manager. The only difference is that rather than physically uploading creative users will need to click USE EXISTING URL in the creative upload box, enter the URL to the VAST XML, specifiy the duration of the ad, and click the VAST Crative check box. Once SUBMIT is checked, the system will reference the VAST XML file anytime this piece of creative needs to be played.
Should you have any questions or need any assistance whatsoever. Please contact our support department throug hthe Submit Ticket link at the top of the Knowledgebase.
Here are some screenshots to help illustrate the only differences: