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How can I find an hour-by-hour break down of stats for a specific day?
Author: Jeremy Argue Reference Number: AA-00279 Views: 10024 Created: 2010-12-20 16:06 0 Rating/ Voters

That information is accessible in your Client Console account in two different place depending on exactly what numbers you need to access.  You can access either the Live Listener statistics for any day over the past year or you can access the Webcast Metrics reports for any day, week or month going back in to the day the station started using Ando for reporting.

To access either set of stats simply go to and use your username and password to log in.

For the Live stats:
1. Scroll below the three graphs on the home page
2. Click the + sign next to the correct market
3. once the screen refreshes, scroll below the three graphs again and click the station call letters link
4. then click any specific day in the calendar

For the Webcast Metrics stats:
1. Click the Webcast Metrics link at the top of the page
2. Click the link for Webcast Metrics V5
3. Set the start date to some date in the past and set the end date to some date at least 4 days prior to today
4. Click generate
5. Find the day needed in the specific report and click the graph icon to the right of the days date
6. Mouse over any point in any of the graphs to see the count for the specific stat needed for the proper hour of the day.

For more details instructions on generating Webcast Metrics reports, please consult the User Guide available here or contact our support desk by opening a ticket through the link at the top of the screen.


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