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How do I get Support?
Author: Jeremy Argue Reference Number: AA-00272 Views: 24144 Created: 2010-11-19 15:54 0 Rating/ Voters

In an effort to serve you better, Triton Digital Media Streaming offers you several easy ways of reporting any streaming issues. If you experience any issue please contact us at by submitting a ticket through the link at the top of the page, sending an email to or at by calling us 1-866-448-4037 ext 1.

If you have a true Emergency where either your stream is completely offline or no streaming ads are being injected into your stream you can contact Emergency Support and we'll reply with an initial response within 20 minutes during regular business hours and within 1 hour in off hours and on holidays.

To get Emergency support just call 1.800.939.9413.

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