Adding a Synced Banner or Companion Ad to display when an audio or video element is playing on the player is pretty straightforward. Just follow the simple steps below to add the image in 30 seconds or less.
Adding a Single Banner to a Single Audio Ad:
1. Once you are on the Campaign Details screen, mouse over the Spot Actions Menu for the ad in question and click on Synced Banners
2. Click the File Upload radio button for the proper ad unit size - keep in mind that the station player will most likely have only one synced banner placement, either the 300x250 or the 728x90. This is determined by the player, so make sure that the desired creative matches the size and placement of the available space on the station's player. Most player use a medium rectangle 300x250.
3. Click Browse to find the .jpg, .gif, or .swf banner image on your local PC
4. Type in the URL to the client's website - make sure that you include the http:// NOTE: if no click through URL was provided, just set the link to the URL of the station home page
5. Click the green Upload/Update button at the bottom of the pop-up window
The ad will take about 30 seconds to push out to all of the Ando servers. While it is pushing out, it will display as a Red "X" – then, once the banner has finished propagating it will display as needed.
Adding a Single Banner to a Multiple Pieces of Audio at One Time:
1. Once you are on the Campaign Details screen, mouse over the Tools Menu for the campaign. This menus is in the upper section of the screen, directly under the campaign name.
2. Choose the Bulk Upload - Synced Banner link
3. Click the File Upload radio button from the proper ad unit size box- keep in mind that the player will most likely have only one Synced Banner placement, either the 300x250 or the 728x90. This is determined by the player, so make sure that the desired creative matches the size and placement of the available space in the station's player. Most players use a medium rectangle 300x250.
4. Once the proper box refreshes, click Browse to find the .jpg, .gif, or .swf banner image on your local PC
5. Type in the URL to the client's website - make sure that you include the http:// NOTE: if no click through URL was provided, just set the link to the URL of the station home page
6. Then, in the "Apply to Ads" box, check all of the audio spots that should display this Synced Banner
7. Click the green Upload/Update button at the bottom of the pop-up window
The ad will take about 30 seconds to push out to all of our servers, while it is pushing out it will display as a Red "X" - then once the banner has finished propagating it will display as needed.
Just a few other notes: Images can be .jpg, .gif or .swf. And as with all things online, the smaller the file size the better. Typically ads under 40k load immediately and images of that size retain nearly 100% of their full visual quality even under very high compression rates. We suggest that you never load images that are over 100k because files of that size will take longer to load and may not show up exactly when the audio ad starts. For the best synchronization, it is best to keep the ads to under 40k.