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I need my account changed, updated or edited. How do I update my password, my username, or my email alert subscriptions and how do I get my account level changed to a different level?
Author: Jeremy Argue Reference Number: AA-00243 Views: 6730 Created: 2010-11-19 11:30 0 Rating/ Voters

While we would love to make user account changes for you, unfortunately, due to Sox Compliance Regulations, we are not permitted to change or alter accounts once Super Admin accounts have been set-up.

We can resend passwords and help users gain access to their accounts, but all account edits and changes -including changes to receiving alert emails, must be made by personnel at the station, market or corporate level.

If you need an account permission change, simply contact your station or market level Super Admin, and they can assist you through the Advanced > User Manager link of the console.  Super Admins can edit accounts, Transfer users to different stations or regions and can set-up and redefine user permissions.  If you do not have a Local or regional Super Admin defined for your station or cluster, reach out to your corporate contact and they can assist you with any needed account permission changes. 

If you would like to change account settings for your own account, including alert subscriptions, password updates, or username edits, just follow these steps:

1. Access the Client Console with your log-in credentials
2. Click the Account Settings: Change Password, Email options etc. link on the left side of the screen
   3a. To Change Alert Subscriptions: Uncheck the Send Me Technical Streaming Issues and Send Me Ad Trafficking - Spot-Related Issues check boxes to stop receiving alerts...or check them to start receiving them
   3b. To change your password, simply type your new password in the password box and confirm it in the Re-Type Password box
   3c. To change you username, click the Change User Name / Email Address and then enter and confirm your new Username
4. Click SAVE

We hope that helps; please let us know if you need any further assistance.

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