How do I use the Bulk Upload tool to add filler content to my station(s)?AA-00236One note before we get into the instructions, once installed, enter your username and password (the same username and password that you use to log into the Client Console to configure the Bulk Uploader). Once you're ready to use it, just follow these steps and you should be good to go: 1. Double-click the Desktop icon to open the Bulk Uploader Tool The uploader will take a few minutes to put the files into the proper inventories. once it's finished you should be able to log into the Injector Manager, click the Injector Manager, and see the items in each selected station's inventory. Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any further questions or need any further assistance whatsoever. NOTE: the Bulk Uploader uses an http service to transfer the files to your station. This http service can time out if too many items have been added to the list to be uploaded at one time. The rule of thumb is 20 songs, or roughly 60 minutes of material per upload sessions. More than that, and, depending on the user’s local network, a timeout might occur.