How do I change my password to something that I can remember?AA-00205All users have complete control over their passwords. By default, the system will create a randomly generated password when a user account is first set-up but once a user logs into the Client Console, they can change their password as needed. To update or change a password, simply login to the system with the password that you received via email. To access the system point, any browser to and click the log-in link at the top of the screen. Then enter your Username and Password. Once logged in, click the Account Settings link on the left side of the screen. Then just type in your new password and new password confirmation and click Save. Your password will be changed and useable the next time you log into the system. Note, that if your broadcast group has enabled Sox Compliant Passwords any new passwords will need to be at least 6 characters long and they must include at least 3 of the following: a lowercase letter Also, if a password is begin changed, it CANNOT be any one of the past six that were previously used. Should you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact our Support Desk and our staff will assist you. Here are some example passwords that the system will accept: Km34home |