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I need to gauge my inventory; both a fill rate of what has been sold and I need a projection of what might be available going forward. What's the best way to get these numbers?
To generate an Inventory Avails report projecting what inventory might be available in the future simply follow these steps: 1. Go to Campaign Manager 2. Click on the Reports & Tools tab 3. Click on the INVENTORY AVAILABILITY report link 4. Highlight… |
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I want to upload Songs to play on the stream during our commercial breaks. How do I accomplish this?
Q: I want to upload Songs to play on the stream during our commercial breaks. How do I accomplish this? A: There are a few simple steps you will need to follow to get songs to play during your commercial breaks: (download attached PDF file for instructions)… |
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Is there a way that we can schedule play-through without covering?
We play college and professional games on air that we are not permitted to stream. We would like to stream audio from another source but we don't want to act on any data or cover any spots while we are playing audio from this other source. Is there a way… |
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My Station is not currently streaming but we still receive technical alerts. How do I stop those from being sent?
If your account level is that of Super Admin you can make the needed changes by logging into your andomedia.com account. However, if you account level is not a Super Admin you will need to have your account upgraded to Super Admin or you will need to reach… |
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My station went to break and I heard silence, what is wrong?
95% of the time when a station has silence or Dead Air IN a stop set, the station is running out of available inventory. This is usually the result of two different causes. Either the station does not have enough cover material in inventory for the designated… |
31 |
On which Browsers and Operating Systems will the Injector run?
To fully access all of the Ad Injector tools and features, make sure that you are using a proper combination of Operating Systems and Browsers as listed below. Also, please take note of the Other Requirements at the bottom of the page. Web Products OS\Browser… |
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Our on air content is being "clipped" or "chopped" as we go to play commercials, why?
The Injector is set-up to react to the automation system data in REAL TIME. Given that, there are two types of “chops” that could potentially occur. To determine which type you’re dealing with, make sure to monitor the station and make a specific note… |
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Release Notes, New Features, etc...where do I learn about them or get notified that they are happening?
All Release Notes and notifications of product updates are posted in the Client Console prior to release. You will be notified if changes have been made with presence of a large, rotating "NEW" graphic on the left side of the screen - right below your account… |
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Stop Sets Delay Starting on Windows 7 machines
Q. We recently upgraded our streaming computer to Windows 7 and now the stop sets don't sound nearly as tight as they used to. We didn't change anything else at all, is there something that can be done to correct this? A. Absolutely! Windows 7 uses a default… |
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Subscribing to the Last Data Received Alert
Every account has the ability to subscribe to the Last Data Received alerts by accessing their accounts and clicking the Account Settings link on the left side of the screen. Then, when the page opens, just have the account holder check the box in the lower-middle… |
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The commercial audio is louder or softer than the programming audio, how can I change that?
There are two ways to adjust the volume of the injected audio. The first is to adjust the volume on the injector itself. To do this, access the streaming PC in the station's local engineering rack and increase or decrease the volume setting on the Injector… |
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The player loads and the gateway plays, then nothing. What is the issue?
First of all, this is a very, very rare scenario. 99.9% of the time, a station stream will load automatically once any scheduled prerolls have played. However, if this rare scenario is happening there are a few reasons this could happen. Here are the easiest… |
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There are fill items in inventory that are not playing, do you know why?
Basically, the system plays items according to the following rules: Paid Content always plays before unpaid content regardless of priority. There are three categories of content in the Paid Content tier; Paid Spot (CPM), Paid Spot (PI), and Target Spot. There… |
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There is Silence in my Blackout, why?
Many stations want to crete a looping message to play when they have to blackout their streams from playing any on air content. The Injector is hard coded with an imposed 15 minute cap on all content. So, most likely there is less than 15 minutes of available… |
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Understanding Cart Triggers; What are they, how do they work?
NOTE: This is very advanced information. Please contact our support team for assistance in setting up and managing Cart Triggers. Cart Triggers are the data codes that "tell" the injector what to do and when to do it. Cart Triggers can be based on a specific… |
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Updating or Changing a Station's Genre assignment
The Injection system has been configured so that each and every station is assigned to a specific genre or format. This is necessary because several reports in the system such as the Listener Lab, use the Genre designation to create comparisons that users… |
42 |
We air several items a day that we can't stream and since they happen at different times a Timed Trigger won't really work. Do you have another way to cover these 15-30 minute items?
Yes, this can be done on our platform! The best case scenario would be to create a new category in your station automation system, something like CML (for CM Long) and then add all of these 15-30 minute program/commercials to that category. So, when they… |
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We changed our Automation System data and spots have stopped playing, how do we get them playing again?
Anytime changes are made to a station automation system, be sure to make corresponding changes to the station’s Cart Trigger list too. That way the Injector will know to act on the new data. If the stream stopped playing injected spots around the time of… |
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We changed our song category in our automation system and the player stopped updating with song and artist information. How do we correct this?
Anytime changes are made to a station automation system, make sure to make the needed changes to the station’s Cart Trigger list too. That way the Injector will know to act on the new data. If the streaming player stopped updating after the change, that… |
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We hear the On Air spots playing instead of injected spots, why?
If a station is hearing the on air stop sets instead of the injected stop sets, 99% of the time that means that the station automation system has stopped sending data to the streaming PC. This can be verified by accessing any user’s Client Console account… |
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We keep receiving Last Spot Played alert emails but everything looks fine on the Injector. Why and how to I prevent that?
If you are getting an All Clear message right after you get this type of an email, then 99% of the time there is actually nothing wrong (sample below - scroll below it for more information on the resolution): SAMPLE EMAIL ALERT: From: Ando Alerts [mailto:alerts@andomedia.com]… |
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We run in an on air delay and need to configure the stream to do the same...
For the best results, we suggest that the audio feed to the streaming PC be inserted pre-delay . We understand that this, on the surface might not seem like the best alternative, but running pre-delay audio to your stream will ensure that the Injector is… |
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What does the Play Notes coulmn in the Injector manager Inventory screen do? I see different colored light bulbs and circles with hands...what do these icons mean?
Essentially the Play notes column of items in the Injector Manager inventory screen gives users an overview of what items are available right now to be played. Remember that whenh you log into the Injector Manager for a station you are, by default, looking… |
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What file types can I upload and use in campaigns?
Our system was built (both the Campaign Manager and the Injector Manager) to be 100% file agnostic. What we mean by that is that users can upload any file into the system and the system will take it and process it as expected. However, what can actually play,… |
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What is PSA Wire? Should I use it and if so, how do I use it?
PSA Wire is a remnant inventory tool that allows stations to run royalty-free, unpaid spots in their stop sets if there is no other content available to be played. All PSA Wire spots are provided to Ando Media from the Ad Council and can be used according… |