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Can the Campaign Manager be used to Manage Fill Content?
Author: Jeremy Argue Reference Number: AA-00487 Views: 10601 Created: 2012-10-03 17:42 0 Rating/ Voters

Yes.  While it IS NOT recommended for 99% of all Fill items, there are times when using the Campaign Manager for Fill content is incredibly useful.  Typically this is only done when corporate level users need to manage specific types of fill that, for Programming needs, must play on a lot of stations and in a special category.  For example if you have specific content items that need to play on 30% of your stations and this content should be used as Under Items for Target Spot, then using the Campaign Manager to add this daily rotated content would be far more efficient than adding it through the Injector manager.  If you have a question on which scenarios are best for using Campaign Manager to do this, please reach out to our Support Team or your Account Manager for more feedback.

With that being said, here is a step-by-step example of how Fill content can be added to the target Spot category using Campaign Manager:


1.     Once you have accessed the Client Console.

2.     Click on the Campaign Manager link at the top of the screen

3.     Click on Add New Campaign

4.     Set-up/Choose the proper Advertiser Record:
   a. There should be a specific one with your Company’s name already in the Advertiser database

5.     Enter a Campaign name for example PopCrush4-15-12

6.     Enter a product name – Most users will just duplicate the Campaign Name for this line.

7.     Set the Campaign Source as Corporate - Local

8.     Set the start date and end date and click the Impressions Radio Button

9.     Then...enter an exponentially high number of Impressions.  For example 25,000,000.  These will not be pulled out of inventory because we are going to change the category these items play from in a later step

10.  Leave the Campaign CPM and revenue Total set at the default 0

11.  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click SAVE to move to the next screen

12.  Set the parameters of the creative that you plan to upload:  Set the duration to the option closest to the duration of the item that you’re uploading.  Set the option to Audio, In Stream, and leave the default Synced Banner size set as is.

13.  Select 1 flight from the drop down box and leave the start date, end date, and Spot Play goal defaulted to what they are.


15.  Choose the Playable days and then highlight the playable hours from the big box in the middle of the screen and click ADD SCHEDULE.  Typically these are playable 24/7 M-Sun 12a-12Mid

16.  Once the page refreshes, scroll to the very bottom of the screen and click DONE to move to the final page, the CAMPAIGN DETAILS SCREEN

17.  Mouse over the Edit link in the DAYPARTS column to verify that you did indeed select the proper Play Schedule.

18.  Once verified, run your mouse to the left side of the screen and click the red stations link

19.  When the pop-up screen opens, choose the proper market(s) from the Select Market drop down list

20.  Then, highlight the correct station(s) from the Matching Stations box and click the right pointing green arrow to move it/them to the right-most box

21.  After all the correct stations are in the Selected Stations box, click SAVE

22.  Now click one of the two Upload links - they both open the same dialogue box so it doesn't matter which one you choose Keep in mind that all instream spots MUST be .mp3 files.

23.  Browse your local PC and find the proper video file on your computer and then click Trim Silence and Normalize Volume and click upload

24.  From the Spot Actions Menu, select the Edit Spot Details link

25.  When the pop-up screen opens change the Spot Category from paid Spot (CPM) to the needed category such as Target Spot.  ***This is crucial.  IF this step is not performed then the spot will not play in Fill inventory as expected and it will pull avails out of the paid inventory.

26.  Click Save to close the pop-up window

27.  Now all you need to do is activate the campaign. To do so, click the Ready to Activate button (or Submit for Approval Button) in the upper right hand corner of the screen

28.  Last you will want to verify that the line item turned from red to Green (or orange if the flight is to start off in the future). You'll also want to verify that the flight dates are Green or Orange, the Stations link is green and that the uploaded file has uploaded and the full duration is set properly. If the system was unable to read the duration from the uploaded file there will be a -1 in the duration column. If this is the case (very rare), then click the EDIT SPOT DETAILS link from the SPOT ACTIONS menu and set the duration manually. Once there is a full number in the Duration field, click Save. At this time you can preview the file by clicking on the little sound icon. If everything is green and your file is correct, you are done.

One last note.  Make sure that you are entering different Fill creative into different Campaigns.  While you can add additional creative to this campaign, it there could be frequency capping issues since this content is intended to play on multiple stations all over the network.  If you’d like to use the same campaign and just add new creative to this campaign, then it is suggested that the Frequency Caps are edited and reduced to 1 minute each to allow this item to play more often.

Should you have any questions or need any assistance whatsoever, please reach out to our support team or your Account Manager.





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