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What is the Delivery Command option in the Cart Trigger screen?
Author: Jeremy Argue Reference Number: AA-00297 Views: 8041 Created: 2011-03-09 13:59 0 Rating/ Voters

The Delivery Command parameter is basically asking "how" the Injector should fill a stop set.  All stations running an installed Injector will have to configure a station Template which determines what categories of items can be used as fill material when the station should be injecting audio into the stream. 

The Delivery Command parameter is also used to tell the Injector what to do if the fired cat trigger should send the stream back to live.

There are five basic Deliver Command options:

·         Break Schedules

·         A specific letter (A - Z)

·         -1

·         Go Live

·         NP

A Delivery Command of Break Schedules will tell the injector to pull a station template based on the daily Grid.  A specific letter (A, B, C, W, S, Z, etc) will tell the injector to pull items and play them according to the template of the corresponding letter.  If A was designated in the Delivery Command then this specific cart trigger will look to use Template A when the Injector fires on this specific data code.  A Deliver Command of -1 means, do not follow a template and randomly pull any item from the assigned Ad Family.

The remaining two Delivery Commands, Go Live and NP are used for cart triggers that are ending insertion and returning the Injector to play the live feed.  Go Live does exactly that, it tells the Injector to return to the live feed.  NP is used when the station should not only make sure that it is streaming what is playing on air but also when it should send the automation system data to the player to update the Now Playing display on the player.

Should you need any assistance whatsoever regarding Cart Triggers, please contact our Support Desk through the link at the top of the screen so they can assist you ASAP.


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