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We keep receiving Last Spot Played alert emails but everything looks fine on the Injector. Why and how to I prevent that?
Author: Jeremy Argue Reference Number: AA-00289 Views: 6351 Created: 2011-02-02 13:04 0 Rating/ Voters

If you are getting an All Clear message right after you get this type of an email, then 99% of the time there is actually nothing wrong (sample below - scroll below it for more information on the resolution): 




From: Ando Alerts []
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 9:56 AM
Subject: ANDOALERT: Ando Media Last Spot Play Alert for station: KLNCFM


Ando Media Alert

Station KLNCFM has not played a spot for the last 67 minutes. We suggest that you look into this issue as soon as possible.
Other information that might helpful:
Last check-in: 5 minutes.
Last time data received: 6 minutes.
This is an automated email and responses are not monitored. Please open a support ticket with Ando Media if you need assistance.

Copyright 2003-2007 © Ando Media. All rights reserved.




The Last Spot Played alert typically trips by itself ONLY if the station goes a long period of time without Injecting any ads. 


This alert could be tripped under the default settings if the station plays commercial free hours or has CD / Satellite programming that goes fairly long periods without playing spots.


If there is a technical issue at play you should also receive a Last Data Received Alert.  If you are certain that all the cart triggers for the station are correct (no news ones or commercial category changes have been made in the automation system), then it would be safe to adjust the Last Spot Played alert to be sent only if the station doesn’t play spots for 2 or more hours instead of the default 35 minutes.


The default threshold for the email alert can be changed in the Advanced > Stations > Edit / Delete Station  screen. 


Follow these steps to extend the threshold on the Last Spot Played Alert:


1.       Access you Client Console account ( You must be a Super Admin to access the rest of the steps)

2.       Click Advanced at the top of the screen

3.       Click Stations

4.       Click Edit / Delete Station

5.       Choose the correct station from the list and scroll down and click the Edit button

6.       When the Edit Station Details screen opens, scroll about 2/3 of the way down until you see the three settings for the alerts

7.       Change the default number of hours for the Last Spot Played Alert from 0 to 2 or more

8.       Click Save


We hope that helps.  Please contact support with a support ticket should you need any further assistance .



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