Step-by-step instructions for entering a basic Spot based campaign
Author: Jeremy Argue Reference Number: AA-00246 Views: 14182 Created: 2010-11-19 15:21 |
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Keep in mind that entering a Spot based campaign is a pretty straightforward process. Make sure that you know the advertiser details and have all the needed run dates. Once you do, just follow the steps below:
1. Click on the Campaign Manager link at the top of the screen 2. Click on Add New Campaign 3. Set-up/Choose the proper Advertiser Record: a. If the advertiser has already run campaigns on your station(s) then you can use the USE EXISTING link to search for their record which should be stored in the database. If the advertiser is a new one and has not run ANY campaigns (be they preroll or instream) click CREATE NEW link b. enter the Advertiser Name, Choose and Industry and enter a Bill to Name. Ando is not a billing system per se, so any other fields in the New Advertiser Record section of the page are optional and will be reported on the Contract Confirmation only. Your company might require you to enter the Client Traffic ID into the Traffic Id number line (the last one on the list). If they do enter it here and click SAVE 4. Enter a Campaign name 5. Enter a product name - if you don't have a specific Product Name you can copy and paste the Campaign Name from the line above 6. Set the Campaign Source. 95% of all orders scheduled at the Station or Market level will be Local-Local. This means that the buy came into the station through a local AE or the NSM and that the ad will be running on a local station in the market cluster. Local - Corporate is an ad that gets purchased by the client at the station and the ad will run in markets outside of the local cluster. If the buy came in through a Corporate sales team and it is being trafficked to a station in the local market then this will be Corporate-local. Corporate-corporate is a buy that came in that the corporate level and runs in multiple markets across the company. 7. Set the start date and end date and click the Spots Radio Button 8. Then...enter the number of Spots that are needed to deliver the campaign, be it 10, 50, or 200. You want to enter the total needed for all summed flights here. 9. Enter the Price Per Spot into the Campaign CPM line 10. And enter the Campaign Revenue Total 11. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click SAVE to move to the next screen 12. Set the parameters of the creative that you plan to upload, duration, Audio, In Stream, and the proper size of the Syncced Banner if the client is providing one. If there is no synced banner, leave this at the default and click Next. 13. Select 1 flight from the drop down box and leave the start date, end date, and Spot Play goal defaulted to what they are. 14. Click SAVE to move to the PLAY SCHEDULE SELECTION SCREEN 15. Choose the Playable days and then highlight the playable hours from the big box in the middle of the screen and click ADD SCHEDULE 16. Once the page refreshes, scroll to the very bottom of the screen and click DONE to move to the final page, the CAMPAIGN DETAILS SCREEN 17. Mouse over the Edit link in the DAYPARTS column to verify that you did indeed select the proper Play Schedule. 18. Once verified, run your mouse to the left side of the screen and click the red stations link 19. When the pop-up screen opens, choose the proper market from the Select Market drop down list 20. Then, highlight the correct station(s) from the Matching Stations box and click the right pointing green arrow to move it/them to the right-most box 21. After all the correct stations are in the Selected Stations box, click SAVE 22. Now click one of the two Upload links - they both open the same dialogue box so it doesn't matter which one you choose Keep in mind that all instream spots MUST be .mp3 files. 23. Browse your local PC and find the proper video file on your computer and then click Trim Silence and Normalize Volume and click upload 24. Now all you need to do is activate the campaign. To do so, click the Ready to Activate button (or Submit for Approval Button) in the upper right hand corner of the screen 25. Last you will want to verify that the line item turned from red to Green (or orange if the flight is to start off in the future). You'll also want to verify that the flight dates are Green or Orange, the Stations link is green and that the uploaded file has uploaded and the full duration is set properly. If the system was unable to read the duration from the uploaded file there will be a -1 in the duration column. If this is the case (very rare), then click the EDIT SPOT DETAILS link from the SPOT ACTIONS menu and set the duration manually. Once there is a full number in the Duration field, click Save. At this time you can preview the file by clicking on the little sound icon. If everything is green and your file is correct, you are done.
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