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How to schedule TargetSpot ads
Author: Jeremy Argue Reference Number: AA-00220 Views: 7885 Created: 2010-11-18 17:09 0 Rating/ Voters

This article assumes that the player integration with TargetSpot has been completed by your hosting/player provider or your CDN.  Once that has been complete allowing TargetSpot avails to play on a station is a relatively straightforward two-step process.  The first step is to configure the station template to allow the items to play in certain places of a stop set.  The second step is to add Target Spot “Place holder” items to the station inventory.  Just follow the tutorial below and you should be all set.

Once the station Template has been configured only step 2 will need to be performed going forward - unless of course a change to where Target Spot elements can play in a stop set needs to take place.  To configure the station template just follow these steps:

1. Login to your Client Console user account
2. Click on Injector Manager link
3. Choose the proper station from the drop down box and click Continue
4. From the menu, click the "Template Designer" link
5. In the "TargetSpot" row simply check each column for where you would like Target Spot ads to be playable
6. Click Save to save the changes to the template

The next step is adding Target Spot “fill” to inventory.  The way target spot works, once a Target Spot item comes up for play in a stop set, the Injector will pull a Target Spot placeholder from inventory and play it.  This element will play to everyone who is listening to the station at the time of play.  If Target Spot determines that there are listeners listening to the station from a DMA and they have an ad available to be played to listeners FROM that DMA, they will then overlay the ad from their servers “on top” of the placeholder ad that the Injector plays.  So, for Target Spot to work correctly, there will need to be Target Spot Placeholders in inventory.  These placeholders (or “under-ads”) can be of any type of content; Promos, PSA’s, liners, bumpers, etc. But they must be exactly :30 or exactly :60.  They can be at most .3 off (so, 30.000-30.300 or 60.000 – 60.300).  If the under ads get longer or shorter than that there can be slight timing off-sets in the stop set between the under ad and the overlaid Target Spot ad.  Once the content is ready to be uploaded, just follow these steps:

1. Click the "New Component" button in the Injector Manager inventory screen
2. Enter a name for the spot
3. Select the proper station
4. Leave the Ad Family defaulted to ENABLE
5. Set the Spot Category to be Target Spot
6. Leave the Industry set to SELECT
7. Set the ad priority (most stations leave these set at the default)
8. Set the start and end date
9. Check Upload now and click Next
10. Click the Upload creative link and find the under ad on your local system then click upload
11. Click the Open Scheduling link
12. Click the second button for Open Scheduling M-Su 12a-Mid
13. When the screen refreshes, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Finished

Repeat steps 1-13 for any additional items that you need to add to inventory.

NOTE: as a rule of thumb, we suggest always having at least 15 items in inventory for any category that is enabled in the station template.  If you plan on allowing Target Spot to play a lot in stop sets consider adding more than 25-30 items.  Remember, if Target Spot does not have a DMA targeted ad to play to members of your audience at the time a stop set occurs, the audience will hear the under ad.  And since these under ads have the potential to play a lot (depending on how the Template is configured), the under ads themselves might have a tendency to burn if there is a limited number of items in the inventory.

** Delivery reports for all Target Spot overlays can be generated by accessing your TargetSpot account in the Target Spot interface.

For information regarding the advertising played by TargetSpot, please contact
Should you need any assistance whatsoever, please feel free to contact our support team through the Submit Ticket link at the top of this page.


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